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Wednesday Night Undressed

Dec 13, 2023

Lewis, Ivo, Fernando, Jane, Alena, Donna, Andrei, Parker, Cassidy and Julian are joined by Georgi from Bulgaria to discuss the following topics:

  • Weird Thanksgivings
  • Should Men Wear Earrings?
  • Hide-And-Seek Vs. Tag

Nov 9, 2023

Lew, Chris, Ivo, Fernando, Meredith, Sofia, Cassidy and Jullian assemble at the post-apocalyptic interior stylings of "Murph's Pub" to discuss the following globally important topics:

  • What is your favorite and least favorite candy?
  • Innovative Halloween Costumes 
  • Is "Five Nights At Freddy's" worth watching?


Oct 18, 2023

Lewis, Ivo, Fernando, Alena, Andrei and Coach Tyler discuss material things that are actually improtant to them.

Sep 4, 2023

In this wild episode Lewis, Ivo, Meredith, Donna, Sofia, Jullian, Cassidy, Fernando, Andrei and Parker discuss the following topics:

  • Has something you were used to has now become completely outdated?
  • Are televised debates a thing of the past?
  • What obsolete technology would like to see come back?
  • Is there an outdated...

Aug 19, 2023

Lewis, Chris, Fernando, Ivo, Meredith, Sofia, Jullian and Cassidy discuss the following topics:

  1. Do you drink milk or any of the milk substitutes?
  2. Will The Georgia indintment actually have an effect on Trump's campaign?